How It Works
Before purchasing your first Compass Seminars NZ On Demand training video, take a minute to read the following instructions which explain the process you need to follow...
Click on any listing to view that course's content overview and free preview chapter.
When you have decided which training to purchase, simply click on the "Buy Now" button under your chosen workshop.
On the right-hand side of the screen, you will be asked to create a log in - enter your details and payment information into the secure portal, and click "Complete Purchase".
You will then be asked to create a password for your login. This is important as it will give you the ability to sign back in over the next 10 days that the recording is available to you, to pick up where you may have left off, or watch it again.
From there, click "Watch on Demand Now" and the video will appear on your screen.
You can watch your On Demand training now, or log back in at anytime over the next 10 days to watch it in stages and rewatch certain bits .